How AI can help you improve your employee experience and workflows.

Executive Search Firm:
Interview Transcription & Analysis


Automated Recording, Transcription and Candidate Profiling System.

Process With Automation

1. The Interview is automatically transcribed along the way.

2. The automation analyzes the interview, extracts the profile of the candidate and issues a report.

Time spent/month = +/- 10 minutes/per interview


Transcribing candidate interviews, analyzing their profile and writing the report is particularly time-consuming (45 minutes to an hour per candidate).

Process Before Automation

– 45 minutes interview transcription, synthesis, and profiling per candidate.
Time spent/month = +/- 6h/consultant.


  • Time and Cost Savings: Achieved a significant reduction in administrative workload, resulting in 90% time savings per consultant.
  • Improved Candidate selection : Enhanced Candidate selection and reporting.

Total Savings

Human Resources/Executive Search:
Unsollicited Applications Treatment


Conversational Chatbot (voice/Text) on the website and on WhatsApp.

Process With Automation

1. The Bot asks questions, gets the candidate’s name, address and resume online.

2. The Bot sends the resume for analysis to a workflow automation that checks if the application fits with an open position and responds accordingly to the applicant.

Time spent/month = +/- 1 minute checking/per week. Operational 24/7.


Receiving, selecting and treating unsollicited job applications is time-consuming (90 minutes per week).

Process Before Automation

– Analysis of all applications received the past week, reading, selection, answer. = +/- 6 hours/month.


  • Time and Cost Savings: Achieved a significant reduction in collecting applications, resulting in 98% time savings per analyst.
  • Improved Candidate Selection: Enhanced candidate selection  and profile reporting and better resource allocation within the team.

Total Savings

HR-AI enhances candidate matching accuracy, accelerates selection process, and reduces manual workloads leading to significant time and cost savings, and better candidate selection.


We transform HR operations through advanced AI.

C/o Causedirect SA

7 Rue Claudine-Levet

1201 Geneva Switzerland



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